Find your next lift
The ultimate lift sharing platform for Students.
Two students loading a car for a trip
    Host a ride

    Create a new ride that others can request to join

    Review requests

    You have full control over who joins your rides

    Contact your passenger(s)

    Contact the your passenger(s) to confirm pick-up details


    Drive safe!

Man looking at a location on her phone
    Search for a ride

    Find another Student going where you need to go

    Send join request

    Request to join a specific ride

    Contact host

    Once accepted, contact the host to confirm pick-up details


    You're on your way!

Woman looking at a location on her phone
About Us
Hi there! I'm Chris 👋
the creator and developer of Unilifts
Unilifts is something I've wanted to build since my student days. After months of work, I'm excited to share it with you.
My goal is for Unilifts to be the go-to platform for students to find and offer rides across all universities in South Africa. This is a passion project for me, and I'd love to hear your feedback!
I'm thrilled about this journey and can't wait to have you on board.
A person sitting behind a laptop writing code
Passenger Profile Picture
South Africa - 2025
About us
Unilifts is a platform for Students to easily find, host and share rides.